About Me

I’m Alex and I started the Spells and Spaceships blog in November 2019.

I loved fantasy and other fiction as a kid. When I got to around 14 or 15 years old and school got more serious, allocated reading and being forced to over-analyze and re-read books just really drained my passion. I did still buy books but they were mostly history and science.

For someone so passionate about sci-fi and fantasy, I’m ashamed to admit it took playing The Witcher 3 (360 hours to be precise – I could have read 50 books in that time!) and watching the first couple of seasons of Game of Thrones to encourage me to pick up a fantasy book again. And I’ve never looked back.

I started my blog because I wanted to talk about the books I was reading. I wanted to help some of the brilliant authors I was reading and I wanted to feel a part of the community. It’s been a great experience so far and to have people now asking me for advice on blogging, my opinions on books or for recommendations is great. If you’re still reading, thanks! I’m happy to interact and talk about books anytime! Please follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Goodreads.

You can also contact me at spellsandspaceshipsblog@gmail.com