Litany of the Destroyer – Review

Author – Chaz Lebel Pages – 294 Publishing Information – Self Published, 7th September 2022 Blurb After a close encounter with a summoned demon, Sir Galien Banforth is left in fear for his immortal soul, bound by oath to a life of bloodshed for his king. When the world’s greatest kingdoms march to war, GalienContinue reading “Litany of the Destroyer – Review”

The Knight Saves the Dragon – Review

Author – Rebecca Crunden Pages – 13 Publishing Information – May 2024, Self Published Blurb The king has sent you to save the princess and kill the great dragon, but you will slay no dragon. You will save no princess. Review This was an enjoyable little story that managed to fit a couple of twistsContinue reading “The Knight Saves the Dragon – Review”

Of Blood and Fire – Review

Author – Ryan Cahill Pages – 541 Publishing Information – Self Published, March 2021 The Blurb Born in fire. Tempered in blood. Epheria is a land divided by war and mistrust. The High Lords of the south squabble and fight, only kept in check by the Dragonguard, traitors of a time long past, who serveContinue reading “Of Blood and Fire – Review”

A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell – Review

Author – Luke Tarzian Pages – 62 (ebook) Publishing Information – Self Published,, August 2022 The One Sentence Review A heart-wrenchingly honest account of one man’s ongoing journey living with grief and loss; a book guaranteed to affect you deeply – the only book to have ever made me both laugh and cry. TheContinue reading “A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell – Review”

The Battle That Was Lost – Review

Author – Michael S Jackson Pages – 57 (plus an extra 31 pages included with the first 3 chapters of Ringlander: The Path and the Way.) Publishing Information – Self Published The One Sentence Review The Battle That Was Lost is a surprisingly fleshed out novella that reads like a fast paced episode of anContinue reading “The Battle That Was Lost – Review”

Lightblade – Review

Author – Zamil Akhtar Pages – 516 Publishing Information – Self Published, The One Sentence Review A smart, surreal science fantasy with welcome Middle Eastern influences and a truly imaginative world. The Blurb In three days, Jyosh will slay the God Emperor, or die trying. But first he must train his lightblade skills. While asleep.Continue reading “Lightblade – Review”

A Touch of Light – Review

A thoroughly enjoyable and captivating debut that presents three equally exciting narratives in a dark but beautifully imagined world. Author – Thiago Abdalla Pages – 481 Publishing Information – Self Published, 1st March 2022 Thankyou to Escapist Book Tours and the author Thiago Abdalla for the opportunity to read this work in exchange for anContinue reading “A Touch of Light – Review”

Gunmetal Gods – Review

Zamil Akhtar’s dark and brutal Middle Eastern fantasy excites, horrifies and captivates in equal measure; a real triumph. Author – Zamil Akhtar Pages – 475 Publishing Information – Self Published Gunmetal Gods initially intrigued me with its striking cover art, and I looked into the author’s work. I signed up to his newsletter and downloadedContinue reading “Gunmetal Gods – Review”

Tales of Ioth – Review

Another incredible journey into the imagination of D. P. Woolliscroft; Tales of Ioth continues the exciting trajectory of this great series Author – D. P. Woolliscroft Pages – 243 Publishing Information – Self Published, 28th April 2020 If you’re here for the review of the 4th book in the Wildfire Cycle, you’re probably just makingContinue reading “Tales of Ioth – Review”

Ringlander: The Path and the Way- Review

An ambitious debut that takes all the right risks to create a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable epic fantasy with surprise (and welcome) science fantasy elements I was approached by Michael S. Jackson to review this book as part of his debut blog tour and I’m delighted to be involved, along with some excellent reviewers. I’dContinue reading “Ringlander: The Path and the Way- Review”